Alpine Environmental is the leading provider for water systems in North Central Washington, offering a full spectrum of contracts and services. Please contact us if you would like quotes for any of the following services.
satellite management
All new water systems are required by Washington State law to be managed by a Satellite Management Agency (SMA). An SMA holds full authority for the operation and management of the water system, including budget development, rate setting, strategic planning, and operational decision-making. Alpine Environmental operates as an SMA in seven counties: Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, and Stevens.
certified operator
Existing water systems may choose to hire a certified operator, either to meet Department of Health requirements or for convenience and risk management. Typically, the water system owner or board of directors maintains authority for policy and management decisions, relying on the operator for recommendations. Alpine Environmental maintains certification as a Water Distribution Manager 2 in Washington State and can provide operator services tailored to your specific needs.
treatment plant operator
If your water system requires any type of treatment process, such as arsenic or nitrate removal, filtration, pathogen reduction, or fluoridation, Department of Health regulations require that you have a treatment plant operator on staff. Alpine Environmental currently holds certification as a Treatment Plant Operator 1.
Cross-connection control specialist
In addition to a certified operator, public water systems are also mandated to have a Cross-Connection Control Specialist (CCS) on staff. Cross-connections are any plumbing configurations that create the potential for non-potable water to come in contact with potable water. The CCS is responsible for inspecting all premises served by the water system to ensure that no cross-connections exist. Alpine Environmental can provide Cross-Connection Control Specialist contracts, either in conjunction with a Certified Operator contract or as a stand-alone service.
Small water system management programs
Small Water System Management Programs are required for all Group A Community water systems. This document guides the operation and management of the system, including emergency response, maintenance, water sampling, and long-term planning. Periodically, the Department of Health requests that these plans or portions of the plans be submitted for review. Alpine Environmental will develop comprehensive yet concise, user-friendly documents in a format that can easily be updated by system personnel.
cross-connection control programs
Many water systems have partially completed Small Water System Management Programs that are lacking a Cross-Connection Control Program. Often the most complex portion of the plan, it is also one of the most critical components because cross-connections occur with surprising frequency in public water systems. Alpine Environmental can assist with the development of a program that is tailored to your water system, identifying policy gaps to be addressed, operational inconsistencies to be corrected, and consumer education opportunities to take advantage of.
Level 1 & Level 2 assessments
Water systems that test positive for the presence of coliform bacteria are required to conduct Level 1 Assessments. These inspections review the water system's physical components, operational practices, and planning documents. A completed report must be submitted to the Department of Health, along with a timeline for correction of any deficiencies. If a system experiences a second coliform bacteria contamination within a twelve-month period, a Level 2 Assessment is required. This is a more comprehensive investigation that can only be performed by a licensed engineer or Water Distribution Manager 2 or higher. Alpine Environmental has many years of experience in water system inspection and holds certification as a Qualified Sanitary Surveyor and Washington State Registered Sanitarian.
compliance audits
Ensure that your water system is meeting all regulatory requirements with a Compliance Audit. Alpine Environmental will review all aspects of your system, including physical components, records retention, program development, certification, and water testing, providing a written report of all compliance issues and recommendations for correction.
water testing
Alpine Environmental provides water testing for any parameter, from coliform bacteria to metals and minerals, from radionuclides to microscopic particles. No matter what you're looking for, we can properly collect, preserve, document, and ship your samples to the right lab at the lowest cost. We will review the results with you, providing a clear understanding of what the results mean and developing strategies to reduce or remove levels of contaminants.
backflow device testing
Backflow devices are required installations whenever a potential for a cross-connection exists. These devices must be tested immediately upon installation and annually thereafter by a licensed Backflow Assembly Tester. Alpine Environmental has the technical know-how to ensure that your backflow protection is installed correctly and working properly. Written reports of the test results are provided to any requiring jurisdiction.
consumer confidence reports
Group A Community water systems are required to generate an annual Consumer Confidence Report for all its users. The report includes specific language mandated by federal law to explain to water system customers where their water comes from and how safe it is to drink. Using a simple and attractive format, Alpine Environmental can prepare and deliver your reports, either electronically or by hard copy. Or, if you prefer to do the printing and mailing, we can provide you with a digital copy, ready to print.
meter reading
Service meter reading is a tedious but necessary chore in any water system. Precise data collection is critical to ensure that all potential revenue is being captured and that water delivery is occurring at peak efficiency. Alpine Environmental provides meter reading services with an exceptionally high degree of accuracy and proficiency. We can develop a custom Excel spreadsheet for field entry on mobile devices or utilize your existing data capture hardware and software.
Alpine Environmental provides comprehensive bookkeeping services for small water systems, including mail collection and processing, invoicing, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and banking. We are proficient with QuickBooks programming and can provide you with up-to-date reports on all aspects of your finances. We can attend Board meetings as necessary to deliver summary reports of the information you need to make your operation a success.
group b public system design
Group B public water systems that do not incorporate water treatment, atmospheric storage (reservoirs or tanks), or booster pump stations are not required to be designed by a licensed professional engineer. Alpine Environmental can complete the required Group B design workbook for your water system at a substantial cost savings over most engineering firms. We can assist in all phases of the planning, design, and submittal process, minimizing the time it takes to get approval for your project.
project oversight
While many water system projects require engineered plans and construction reports, using an engineering firm to manage the project from start to finish can be very expensive. Many firms offer a one-size-fits-all approach, conducting unnecessary research, generating overly complicated reports, and specifying non-mandated components and processes. While perhaps appropriate in some cases, many water systems spend money needlessly, simply because they are trusting that the engineering firm has their best interests at heart. Alpine Environmental can manage your project to a level appropriate for your system, saving you precious time and money. From project permitting and review to final installation, let us show you where you can save dollars and more importantly, where it will be wise to invest them. We partner with local, trusted engineering firms to deliver uncompromised value and results.
environmental services
soil testing
In addition to water testing, Alpine Environmental also offers soil testing for metals and minerals, hazardous materials, nutrients, and pesticide residues. Whether you are developing a piece of property, conducting a site cleanup, or just looking for peace of mind, Alpine Environmental can prepare and implement a sampling plan that meets your objectives.
site hazard evaluation (phase 1 and 2 assessment)
Alpine Environmental has an extensive background in hazardous site inspections on residential, agricultural, and industrial properties. We will review historical land uses and current conditions, conduct soil testing as warranted, and assist with any remedial action plans necessary to restore the site.